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Cardiff Exhibition 2008


Where: Red Dragon Centre, Cardiff
Open Since: 2005
Last Revamp: 25th October 2008


How Big?
The exhibition is not actually much larger than before, but it definitely feels bigger, because there seems to be a lot more there. You go into the exhibition at an opening at the end of a very large banner, curved round the side. This is how it was done before. So, the outside is no bigger, but, because the space inside seems to be used a lot more efficiently, it does seem larger than it did before.

The whole exhibition is laid out very well, and everything is clearly labeled, and easy to see and find, making all the displays a joy to look at. You start the route to the left, where you see costumes worn by the latest Doctors and their companions. Then the whole exhibition mostly goes round in a circle, apart from when you come back on the right, there is a large area, with many different displays, which takes up more room than it did on the other side. Every area is used very well, with no spaces, by the looks of it, not filled with something, at least. There is one place where you can skip a bit out, or just more on a bit, which is very good if there is a large queue, and then you can come back later. The exhibition finishes at the shop, and there is no way you can leave without entering! Just a way of making money, I suppose.

New Features and Props
Not much in the exhibition now has actually been used before, and mostly everything is new! So, even if you've been before, it will seem very new! Most of it is from the fourth series, with a few older things from Series Two and Three, but there isn't really anything from Series One. There is so much to see that you'll miss if you only go round once! Things I am talking about are props in glass cabinets. You may have a look at one or two, but then don't see others. This happened to me, when I was having a look at River Song's sonic screwdriver, and then I didn't see her diary underneath! So, if you're wanting to have a proper look round, have lunch or something and then come back, because it's worth it! Great new features include the new Supreme Dalek, with Dalek Sec and a Crucible Dalek. All these are made to move, with a press of a button, with light and speech effects. There's also General Staal, the Genetic Manipulation Device and a moving Cyberman! There is definitely enough to keep you occupied for a while, at least! Another thing is the computer screens located all round, with fantastic information you can learn. Most of these are for people new Doctor Who fans, with synopsises for Series One to Three and such, but it's great!

There is everything from the real Tardis to Adipose tablets, so there is a lot of variety! A great thing is this Tardis, because behind it is a green screen and a camera is at the front, so you can go and stand by the Tardis, when it is on lots of different planets, and have your picture taken! Although, it is a bit faulty, because some of the Tardis blends into this background. If you're thinking that most exhibits are going to be similar, think again, because everything has it's unique place in the exhibition.

Something that is really great is that every feature is labeled very well, making everything easy to understand, so you know what you're looking at! Not only that, but it all looks great to look at! With pictures, and Doctor Who logos, fonts and textures everywhere, it's amazing! There is so much to read as well, about each exhibit and the characters and everything, so it's all brilliant! There are a couple of things though, without labels, which is a shame, as one thing from The Sarah Jane Adventures just looks like a rubbish dump!

It is clearly marked that the owners do not want to you to touch the exhibits displayed, or stand on any platforms where things are. This is good, as they don't want anything to get damaged or broken. It's amazing in fact, that everything is open for you to touch. If you go into normal museums, everything is put behind glass, to stop you. This is the great thing about these exhibitions though, so you can get up close to your favourite friends and foes. One of the qualities the the exhibitions provide is this.

The shop used to be a whole lot bigger, and is now in fact quite small. It is on the right hand side as you walk in, and displayed across one wall and a corner. This is disappointing for such a good exhibition! One of the points that is is so small might be that there actually isn't enough space, so this might be why.

At the counter you can buy a Doctor Who locations guide, for where they filmed various different scenes, so this is very useful! It doesn't have every location on, but there is quote a lot! I would suggest going to the Gower Peninsula though, as it would take ages to get there! And the staff are very friendly!

This is definitely one of the best exhibitions I've ever been to, compared to other Doctor Who ones. With its wide variety of new features, friendly atmosphere and clear displays, the whole thing proves to be outstanding!

Exhibition Standard:
9 Star

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