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First Reaction - The Sontaran Stratagem

Wow, wasn't that EXCITING!
So, the fourth episode of Series 4, The Sontaran Stratagem, has now aired on BBC One.
Well, I rate this episode 5/5! It had everything! Scares! Thrills! Shocks! Emotions! and of course the triumphant return of Martha Jones, and the old monsters the Sontarans! Can't forget those little aliens with potato shaped heads! Ha Ha Ha!
So we're left on this episode on a massive cliffhanger, with Martha cloned and the fake Martha on the baddie side, Wilf left choking in the car with no escape, and the whole world being gassed out by the vicious and brutal Sontarans! Doesn't sound good, does it!

My Top 5 Scenes (I'll try and do this every week, if I can, but it's such a hard choice!):
5. Donna flies the TARDIS, while the Doctor gets a call from Martha.
4. The Doctor and Martha meet, with Donna meeting too.
3. Donna walks down the street, with flash-backs, and seeing her grandad again!
2. We see the full face of the scary Sontarans for the first time!
1. The final scene, where we're all left in awe at the sight of the whole world being gassed, and the fantastic music score in the background! (It was hard to watch Wilf being choked to death in the car!)

But there are so many other good bits, with many hilarious jokes, and scary scares!

Hints of the Series 4 Story Arc:

Not many but we had mentions of the Medusa Cascade and the Time War!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the poison sky was brill 9/10